As a necessary endeavour during the recession, we received commission based on a newspaper article about our other design proposals for the town of Lipetsk. The Italian-Russian investor requested a generous gesture in relation to the office building which needed to be combined with the rational operation of the plant and the optimized budget. After long negotiating and several preliminary plans, in the end we were commissioned to create a sketch defining the main materials and structures. We did not receive any further commission. Our plan consisted of placing the office block stripe which surrounds the entire mass into the agitated but simple rhythm of the production hall. Here we located, in addition to the offices, all the educational and social areas, including a large showroom, restaurant and kitchen. The high bridge which leads across the hall and the spaces hidden in the colourful boxes on this bridge carry the possibility of multiple visual connections in addition to linking functions together. We have no information about the development, according to google maps there were no constructions on site.